River Highway v1.2
Huge 8×8 km map with over 200 km/125 miles of roads to explore. Warning: This card will not work on slower computers. Like other large modified maps to play, this one also requires a good computer with plenty of RAM. Your computer must be able to run official maps to be able to run this.
Development on this map began back in 2019 and has finally reached a point that I consider worthy of release. There is still a long way to go as only half of the map is finished, however there is already a lot of content to explore.
Current features:
Over 200 km / 125 miles of roads of all types, including many highways stretching across the map.
A wide winding river with a dam at its source.
Large airport with a runway of 2.1 km / 1.3 miles, suitable for all currently available aircraft modifications, including An-12.
Various structures and landmarks such as wind turbines, radio towers, water towers and factories.
City and other small towns.
Lots of dirt roads.
Train Loop (Note: unfinished and may not work properly – I’ve noticed that trains can easily derail on curves).
Additional Notes:
AI traffic is supported, however problems are known to occur in some places, especially at intersections. Warning: This map is large and complex, so I can’t guarantee it will work well on all computers! It should be obvious that only the completed area is completed. Somewhere outside of it there is no guarantee that it will be possible to ride it. The lighting is set to daytime only.