It is an island in the jungle that offers a variety of rocky landscapes, ideal for both standard and modified four-wheel drive vehicles. It also has several natural elements, such as rocks and small islands, which create a landscape for small planes.
Suitable for: off-road, flying and research.
Note. Inappropriate grass that appears at high settings/maximum grass density will be fixed later.
In version 8.0:
– Changed rock textures for volcanic appearance.
– Shorter vegetation for a greater island feel.
– Smoother rocks and more rocky areas.
– Improved cloud textures with additional layers.
– Improved the colors of the sky, fog and ocean.
– Textures of a weathered bridge/tree.
– Removed unnecessary sounds.
– Added Hawai’i and Palau signs.
– Adjusted the size of the texture of the earth.
– Increased visibility.
– Reduced file size.